
抒情散文2024-04-27 09:26:002
1、公园里的花开了像少女们在风中翩翩起舞。 The flowers in the park are blooming like girls dancing in the wind. 2、春天到了,草地野花竞相绽开笑脸。 Spring is coming, the grass and wild flowers are competing to bloom a smile. 3、我坐在椅子上,看日出复活;我坐在夕阳里,看城市的衰落。 I sit in my chair and watch the sunrise rise; I sit in the sunset and watch the decline of the city. 4、太阳似乎像向日葵说了什么,向日葵向他点头致意。 The sun seemed to say something like a sunflower, and the sunflower nodded to him. 5、风儿来了,荷花张开自己的胸怀在拥抱风儿。 When the wind comes, lotus opens its mind and embraces the wind. 6、昙花向人们展示美丽的笑脸,笑呵呵的。 Epiphyllum to show people a beautiful smile, smile ha ha. 7、冬天来了,荷花也回家睡觉了。 When winter comes, lotus goes home to sleep. 8、我酷爱荷花,因为它美丽多姿,芳香四溢,富有诗情画意。 I love lotus, because it is beautiful, fragrant, full of poetic and picturesque. 9、春天悄悄的来了,花儿开了,鸟儿在淘气的嬉戏。 Spring is coming quietly, the flowers are blooming, and the birds are playing mischievous. 10、秋天,枫叶一个个落地,像一个红红的地毯。 In autumn, maple leaves fall one by one, like a red carpet. 11、小花展开了花瓣,露出了美丽的笑脸。 The floret unfolded its petals, revealing a beautiful smile. 12、荷塘里的荷花骄傲地开了。 The lotus in the lotus pond is blooming with pride. 13、孤寂的大漠之上,来自远方的寒风,是这里唯一的来客。 On the lonely desert, the cold wind from afar is the only visitor here. 14、晨雾像一团团奶白色的烟云,在江面上滚来滚去。 Morning fog is like a cloud of milky white smoke rolling on the river. 15、石榴开了花,远远望去像是挂满了红灯笼。 Pomegranate blossoms, looking from afar like red lanterns. 16、桃花尽日随流水,洞在清溪何处边? Peach blossom as soon as the water, the hole in the Qingxi where side? 17、看,田野像金色的海洋。 Look, the fields are like a golden ocean. 18、盛开的牡丹,像花中仙子在万绿丛中展现她妩媚的身姿! The peony in full bloom, like a fairy in the flowers, shows her charming posture in the green bush! 19、公园里的花开的特别鲜艳,恰如一个个花季少女。 The flowers in the park are very bright, just like a girl in flower season. 20、花坛里所有爱美的花都争先恐后的开放了。 All the beautiful flowers in the flower bed are scrambling to open. 21、花园里的月季花露出了笑脸好看极了。 The rose flowers in the garden showed a smiling face, which was very beautiful. 22、太阳花笑眯眯的朝着我点头。 Sunflower nodded to me with a smile. 23、江水在吼喊,强烈的阳光下,像千百个坟山似的起伏着。 The river is roaring and surging in the strong sunlight like a thousand graves. 24、夏的夜,其实一个人,漫步河边,更有自由的味道。 Summer night, in fact, a person, walking along the river, more free taste. 25、漫山遍野的野花已开得如火如茶,点绛流丹。 The wild flowers all over the mountains and fields have been in full bloom, such as tea, and some red flowing pills. 26、昙花在晚上9点左右绽放出美丽的笑脸。 Epiphyllum in the evening about 9 o'clock blooming beautiful smile. 27、艳丽的蔷薇花跳起了柔美的舞蹈。 The beautiful rose danced in a soft and beautiful way. 28、秋天像蜜糖,让所有人都有一段温馨的回忆和甜蜜的享受。 Autumn is like honey, so that everyone has a warm memory and sweet enjoyment. 29、水仙花慢慢地展开美丽衣裙,散发出阵阵迷人的清香。 Narcissus slowly unfolded her beautiful dress, sending out bursts of charming fragrance. 30、秋天就像一幅金色的图画,到处是丰收的景象。 Autumn is like a golden picture, full of harvest scenes. 31、牵牛花绽放了绚烂的微笑,开得开心快乐。 Morning glory blooms a gorgeous smile and is happy. 32、牵牛花展开了她的身躯,笑了起来。 Morning glory unfolded her body and began to laugh. 33、海棠花在微风中轻轻点头。 The Begonia flower nods gently in the breeze. 34、微风吹来,百合花轻抚她的秀发,修长的腰肢随风摆动着。 In the breeze, lilies caress her hair, and her slender waist swings with the wind. 35、蝴蝶为庆祝春姑娘的到来,跳起了美丽动人的舞蹈。 Butterfly to celebrate the arrival of spring girl, dance a beautiful and moving dance. 36、每当行人匆匆路过,牡丹花都会轻轻点头致意。 Whenever the peony, passers-by will nod gently. 37、春温柔地抚摸着万物,桃花绽开了笑脸。 Spring gently caresses all things, peach blossom blooming smile. 38、梅花就像一个不畏严寒的勇士,与风雪严寒作斗争。 Plum blossom is like a warrior who is not afraid of the cold, fighting against the wind, snow and cold. 39、春姑娘温柔地抚摸着万物,桃花绽开了笑脸。 Spring girl gently stroked all things, peach blossom opened a smile. 40、秋天到了,向日葵低下头和大地打招呼。 Autumn is coming, sunflowers bow their heads and say hello to the earth. 41、荷花羞涩得绽放出她美丽的笑容。 The lotus flower is shy to bloom her beautiful smile. 42、春姑娘来了,娇艳欲滴的桃花向春姑娘露出了灿烂的笑容。 Spring girl came, beautiful peach blossom to spring girl showed a brilliant smile. 43、我爱深秋、爱这爽朗的天空、爱这有一丝凉意的季节! I love the late autumn, love the bright sky, love this cool season! 44、微微张开双臂,海棠用花开证明了自己的存在。 Slightly open arms, begonia with flowers to prove their existence. 45、一朵朵睡莲花在夜色中露出迷人的笑脸。 The smiling faces of the lotus blossom in the night. 46、晚上,月亮婆婆戴着帽子,睡着了。 In the evening, mother-in-law moon was wearing a hat and fell asleep. 47、江水像微微拂动的丝绸,水天极目处,凝成一种透明的薄雾。 The river water is like the silk that moves slightly, the water sky polar eye place, condenses into a kind of transparent haze. 48、春天,北港河边的樱花绽开了笑脸。樱花开得多么艳丽。 In spring, cherry blossoms along the Beigang River are in full bloom. How gorgeous the cherry blossoms are. 49、太阳公公还没有出宫,牵牛花就仰起笑脸等待着。 Sun father-in-law has not yet been out of the palace, morning glory on the back of a smiling face waiting. 50、秋天是个丰收的季节,秋天的田野十分迷人。 Autumn is a harvest season. The fields in autumn are very charming. 51、桃花露出了红扑扑的脸蛋,娇小美丽。 Peach blossom showed a red face, petite and beautiful. 52、花儿开了,像绽开笑脸的小女孩。 The flowers are blooming, like a little girl with a smiling face. 53、小河是那么温柔,闭上你的眼睛坐在河边,静听小河的歌声。 The river is so gentle, close your eyes and sit by the river, listening to the river's song. 54、繁杂的经历在眼角镌刻深深的纹,我转身雕下一朵花。 Complex experience in the corner of the eye engraved with deep lines, I turned to carve a flower. 55、湖是硬的,像一块无瑕的翡翠闪烁着美丽的光泽。 The lake is hard, like a piece of flawless jade, shining with beautiful luster. 56、秋天的田野,不光果实累累,还景色宜人。 The fields in autumn are not only rich in fruits, but also pleasant in scenery. 57、秋天像晚归的渔船,满载喜悦的笑容。 Autumn is like a fishing boat coming back late, full of happy smile. 58、桂花踏着微风,从树上缓缓降下。 Sweet scented osmanthus is stepping on the breeze and falling slowly from the tree. 59、玫瑰花在夜深人静的时候感到太寂寞了,也悄悄的睡着了。 Rose in the dead of night when feeling too lonely, also quietly fell asleep. 60、寒冬里,梅花静静地穿上了红裙,露出了羞涩的笑容。 In the cold winter, plum blossom quietly put on her red skirt and showed a shy smile.




